Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hank the Woodworker

Hank was proud to be a woodworker. He had a well-equipped workshop, complete with neatly laid-out tools, good lighting, lots of space, and even a state-of-the-art ventilation system to remove the sawdust particles from the air so that they wouldn’t contaminate surfaces or irritate the nose. All of his friends and relatives admired the marvelous equipment he had to create marvelous things from wood.

One day, as Hank walked through the booths at a craft festival, he met a young carpenter named Josh who was selling some simple items. Hank smiled to himself at Josh’s rough craft. He introduced himself, and asked Josh about his work. It was all Hank could do to stifle his snorts of disgust as Josh showed him his damaged, hand-me-down tools and described his dark, cramped workplace. “Josh,” he said, “Your heart seems to be in the right place. But without the right tools, you can’t really call yourself a woodworker.” And he proceeded to describe his beautiful workshop to the young man.

After a while, Josh looked up eagerly at Hank. “Would you be willing to show me some of the things you have made?” he asked. “I see an example of what you can make with your tools, I’ll have a better idea of what I should get.”

Hank replied, “Oh, I don’t actually make anything.”

“Really?!” exclaimed Josh. “You have all that fancy equipment, and you don’t do anything with it? What’s the point of that?” Hank was stunned at Josh’s question, and was at a loss for words. Josh paused, and then continued. “Hank, I might know much, but here’s what I do know. All of your fancy tools don’t really matter for anything if you don’t use them. Just because you have them doesn’t matter at all until you actually put your chisel and hammer to wood.” Josh picked up a rudely-made planter from his display. “This might not be much, but at least it’s something. I’d rather use the tools that I have to make what I can, than have all your wonderful equipment and do nothing with it.”

It’s silly to imagine someone like Hank having the tools available to do a marvelous job, but failing to use them. Or is it? God has provided us with marvelous tools to develop and deepen a meaningful relationship with him. But instead of using them, far too many of us focus instead upon the tools themselves. For example:
• Many Christians call themselves “Bible believers.” But the Bible isn’t the focus of our faith; it is a tool that directs us to the true focus. Yes, the Bible is an invaluable, precious tool. But that’s all it is: a tool. Too many of us are like Hank: admiring our planes without every applying them to the wood.
• People treasure their church. Its building, traditions, events, and people are a high priority for them. Some people are turned off to organized religion because of single-minded devotion that some have for it. But again, church is simply a tool to draw us closer to God, his will, and his work.

How are you using your tools?


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