Saturday, November 20, 2010

God Knows What He's Doing

God knows what he’s doing. And that includes what he does in our church. We have all the pieces for our church to be exactly what God has in mind for it. We all have the gifts, the interests, the resources, and the time. And God has made sure that everyone is included in the life of the church. No one sits in a back corner with nothing to do. And no one goes crazy because they have too much to do. We each have a role that no one else fill like we can. As we all do our part, everything gets done and our church is the powerhouse for the community that God wants it to be.

Unfortunately, that’s not the way it works out. God knows what he’s doing, but we think we know better. Some of us take on more than we should. Many more of us think that the church doesn’t need our gifts, our time, and our efforts.

If you think there’s a reason for you not to be involved in the church, God has already heard them all.
• Do you think you’re too old? Sarah did (Genesis 18:1-15), but God had the last laugh.
• Do you think you’re too young? Jeremiah did (Jeremiah 1:4-10), but God gave him what he needed.
• Do you think you’re not up to the job? Gideon didn’t (Judges 6:15-16), but God did it through him.
• Do you think you’re not a good enough person? Neither did Peter (Luke 5:1-11), but it didn’t matter to the Lord.
• Do you think other people won’t accept you? Moses didn’t (Exodus 3:11-4:9), but God showed him that it didn’t matter.
Ask God to show you the place that he has in mind for you in the life of the church. He’ll guide you to it, and your relationship will grow as you take part.


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